(Summarised from the Group Booklet)

In different areas the work is divided differently, and the particular jobs are sometimes called by different
names. What’s important is not who does the job or what the job is called, but that the job gets done.
What follows are general descriptions of some of the most common sorts of jobs NA groups have. For
each of these positions, your group should establish realistic terms of service and clean-time


GSR’s form the foundation of our service structure. They participate in area service committee meetings, attend forums and assemblies, and sometimes join in the work of an ASC subcommittee. They are selected by their groups to serve as active members of the area service committee. As such, they are responsible to act in the best interests of NA as a whole, not solely as advocates of their own groups’ priorities. They study the reports of the committee’s officers and subcommittee chairpersons. They link their groups with the rest of the NA service structure. At group business meetings, the GSR report provides a summary of area committee activities. In meetings, they make available fliers announcing area and regional activities. At area committee meetings, GSR reports provide perspectives on group growth vital to the committee’s work. If a group is having problems, its GSR can share those problems with the committee in his or her reports. If any helpful solutions arise from the sharing session, the GSR can report those back to the group.


Groups also elect a second representative called an alternate GSR. Alternate GSRs attend all the area service committee meetings (as nonvoting participants) with their GSRs so that they can see for themselves how the committee works. If a GSR cannot attend an area committee meeting, that group’s alternate GSR participates in the GSR’s place. Alternate GSRs, along with other members, may also serve on area subcommittees.


The treasurer is held to account for the contributions the group receives and expenses it pays. Because of the need to keep consistent records, it’s also strongly recommended that groups elect treasurers to serve for a full year and who have a consistent income and a suggested clean period of 1 year. A group treasurer counts the money that members have contributed at each meeting, always asking another member to confirm their count. They take special care not to confuse the group’s money with their own personal funds. They pay expenses, keep good, simple records, and regularly provide financial reports to their groups. The group treasurer’s job requires close attention to details. To help the treasurer in managing those details, a Treasurer’s Handbook is available from your area committee or from the World Service Office.


The chairperson is the person responsible for facilitating the meeting every week. This includes organising a sharer or topic, laying out the preamble and sharing back on the topic. It is their responsibility to ensure a smooth meeting happens and takes a group consciousness when needed.


The secretary arranges the affairs of the group, often by asking other group members to help out. When a new group secretary or GSR takes office or there is a change in the group’s mailing address or the time or location of a group meeting, both the area committee and World Service Office should be informed. It is also their responsibility to ensure that key tags are ordered on time and to hand them out along with hugs.


The literature person ensures that there is always literature available at every meeting. They let their GSR/Treasurer know when literature needs to be ordered. They also pack the literature out before the meeting and are available before, during and after the meeting to answer any members questions about the literature or to sell literature to the group’s members.

Tea and Coffee

The tea and coffee person is responsible for the before/after the meeting hot beverages. They need to purchase or advise the secretary when good need to be purchased. Depending on the group this could include hot and cold beverages, biscuits and snacks for the meeting. The position also includes setting up and packing away everything as well as cleaning up. Members can be asked to assist with this.


(Summarised from the WCASCNA Policy)

The willingness and desire to serve Narcotics Anonymous. Trusted servants must be able to commit themselves, and their time and resources to the responsibilities and requirements necessary to fulfilling the service position.

ASC Chair

Presides over all meetings of the ASC and maintains order and focus of committee proceedings and rules on points of order. To be fair and impartial as the mediator of ASC business. Protect the committee proceedings from frivolous motions and foster good relations with other Areas and the RSC. Serve as one of the signing officers of the ASC bank account/s. Formulate an agenda for each ASC meeting, which is to be distributed by the Secretary and approve the draft copy of the minutes before distribution. Vote on any ASC administrative business when to do so would break a tie. May not represent any other ASC officers, Sub-committee Chairs or GSR’s in their absence. Submit monthly written reports of all business undertaken as Chair. Has such powers and performs such duties as may be required by the ASC. Appoints such Ad Hoc Sub-committees as may be required by ASC from time to time.

ASC Vice Chair

To coordinate the ASC Sub-committees and keep in regular touch with the Chairs of each Sub-committee and be informed of their projects and problems, attending Sub-committee meetings whenever possible. If disputes arise within a Sub-committee or between Sub-committees, the ASC Vice-Chair helps find solutions to them. The Vice-Chair works closely with Sub-committee chairs when they prepare their annual reports and budget proposals. Additionally, they need to attend and chair interface and submit a report back to ASC and co-ordinate all Sub-committee functions and communication. Perform the duties of the Chair if the Chair is unavailable. Support the Chair in maintaining order during WCASC Committee meetings. Submit monthly written reports pertaining to Vice-Chair responsibilities. Has such powers and performs such duties as may be required by the ASC. Refer ASC business proceedings to ASC policy; maintain the policy log and update the ASC policy

ASC Secretary

Taking minutes at ASC and Interface and recording the attendance of GSRs at each ASC meeting and maintaining the attendance / quorum register in the absence of the Alternate Secretary. Manage the Register in the absence of the Alternate Secretary. Manage the Policy log in the absence of the Alternate Secretary. Sending group announcements to the ASC distribution list weekly on Mondays Sending draft minutes of ASC to chair for approval. Sending out a copy of ASC minutes with the Media pack via the ASC distribution list Sending out the Media pack timeously – no later than 15:00 the week Thursday before the next ASC (This is to ensure that all Groups have a chance to be informed and discuss relevant issues for feedback at ASC) Ensure that the Media packs; ASC minutes; Policy Log and any other relevant documents are archived on the ASC Google Drive.

ASC Alt Secretary

To assist the Secretary in fulfilling their responsibilities. Manage the ASC Register and record the attendance of GSRs at each ASC meeting and maintaining the attendance / quorum register. Manage the Policy Log for the Vice Chair. Email the updated contact details register from ASC meeting to Phone-line Chair for amendment to details on the website meeting list.

ASC Treasurer

Understand and adhere to ASC monetary and Safeguarding NA Funds policies. Report immediately any irregularities, contraventions or discrepancies of the ASC Monetary or Safeguarding NA Funds policies to the ASC Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary and inform ASC of any matters requiring the attention of the ASC. Take responsibility for all ASC financial transactions as well as co- sign ASC bank account payments. Accurately account all monies collected, donated, contributed or received to ASC. Dispense funds as per the conscience of the ASC and ensure that all accounts are paid timeously and accurately account all monies disbursed on behalf of ASC including all sub committees. Reconcile all Sub-committee Group check transaction forms on a monthly basis as well as reconcile Group Transaction Register forms of Literature, Events and Procurements, Merchandising and Vending committees no later than 7 days after an event. Reconcile ASC Event Sub-committee Profit and Loss Form within 7 days after an event. Maintain and make available an accurate record and documentary proof of all ASC financial transactions including those of Literature and Events committees at the monthly ASC meeting. Prepare and present for inclusion into the monthly Media pack for presentation at the monthly ASC meeting. Prepare a written monthly treasurers report and a financial year to date a balance sheet. Have detailed monthly cash flow statement, a Year to date profit and loss statement and a year to date ASC detailed budget review statement. Liaise with the sub committees to formulate an annual operating budget for approval at the March ASC meeting. This process should start in November for presentation to ASC in February so that it can go back to the Groups and be voted on at March ASC. Prepare and present a set of annual financial statements at the March ASC meeting. Give training to Literature, Events and Procurements, Merchandising and Vending Treasurers in accounting processes for managing monies at events. Give training to the Alternate Treasurer or the incoming Treasurer on managing ASC accounts and use of the accounting software. Give training to Delegated Administrative Office Bearers and Sub-committee Treasurers in using the guidelines and completing the record forms. If unable to attend ASC then the Treasurer must adequately brief the Alternate Treasurer so that the Treasurers report can be presented at ASC.

ASC Alt Treasurer

Assist the Treasurer in all of their responsibilities. To receive training from the Treasurer on managing ASC accounts and use of the accounting software. To receive training in all the accounting processes and procedures for the Sub-committees and ASC and understand and adhere to ASC monetary policy and Safeguarding NA Funds policy. Report immediately any irregularities, contraventions or discrepancies of the ASC Safeguarding NA Funds policy to the ASC Chair or Vice-Chair and Treasurer. Stand in for the Treasurer at ASC in their absence and submit the Treasurers report.

ASC Tea and Coffee

Replenish tea, coffee and sugar supplies. Buy and provide fresh milk and biscuits for the monthly ASC meetings. Ensure that all kettles and urns are in good working order. Ensure with the assistance of volunteers that the kitchen is clean, and supplies locked away on leaving the venue. Provide the Treasurer with receipts for all refreshment purchases.

Subcommittee Chair

Be familiar with the Sub-committee’s service handbook and references and the accounting and reconciliation documents. Convene a Sub-committee to carry out the Sub-committee’s duties as mandated by the NA groups through ASC. Preside over all Sub-committee meetings for which one is chair. Co-ordinate and be responsible for all work done by the committee. Maintain communication and co-ordination with other Sub-committees. Be impartial as the facilitator of Sub-committee business. Formulate an agenda for each Sub-committee meeting. Ensure that clear, concise minutes are drawn up of each Sub-committee meeting. Maintain the archives of the Sub-committee. Represent the Sub-committee at all WCASC meetings, Inventory Days etc. Ensure Sub-committee representation at Interface and attend if the Vice Chair is unavailable. Ensure that ASC policies and procedures for any monies collected or disbursed are complied with and that all transactions are recorded and receipted. Sign off the monthly Sub-committee Treasurers Group Transaction Register form for reconciliation with ASC Treasurer on 20th of the month and ensure that all receipts for expenditure are submitted to ASC Treasurer. Maintain a policy log and archive for the Sub-committee and upload to ASC Google drive folder. To assist with training the Vice-Chair or incoming Chair and to facilitate a handover of the position to the incoming Chair. To submit written or typed reports to the ASC and request for annual budgets must be made in each year in the February ASC meeting. Each Sub-committee chair must submit written proposals for out of budget expenses or additional projects requiring out of budget financing for approval from the ASC. It is suggested that all Sub-committees hold workshops to promote awareness of how they function within the fellowship or cooperate with other Subcommittees in holding a combined service workshop / event.

Subcommittee Vice Chair

To attend interface and submit a report to their respective Chair. To Support the Chair and to stand in for the Chair in their absence at Sub-committee meetings and at ASC.

Subcommittee Treasurer

Specific for various subcommittees.

Subcommittee Secretary

To record the minutes of every meeting and send out to the committee members. Book the venue for all subcommittee meetings. Assist the Chair with reports if needed.


Attends all ASC meetings, all RSC meetings and telephone conferences and Regional Assembly held at the Regional Convention each year. Chairs the ASC meeting if required. Conducts workshops as required by the Area and Region. Submits a monthly written report to the ASC of all business undertaken as RCM, including meeting minutes of RSC. Submits a monthly written report to the RSC of the ASC. Orients new GSRs to the ASC policy and guidelines and trains the Alternate RCM. Carries mandate of ASC to South Africa Region and when the South African Regional Convention is held in the Western Cape, the RCM represents ASC by joining the South African Regional Convention Committee.


Assumes the duties of the RCM in their absence, impeachment or resignation.  Attends all ASC meetings and all SARSC meetings. Assists the RCM in conducting GSR workshops as required by the Region or Area and assists the RCM in carrying out their duties.


(Summarised from the NASARSC policy)

Regional committee members have a big job. At RSC meetings, they share with one another the information and experience of their respective areas. Between regional committee meetings, they provide their areas with information and contacts from other areas. Throughout the year, RCMs serve as contact points between world services and the NA groups in their areas. Their reports to the region give the regional delegate a better idea of where world service energies could best be concentrated. RCM reports to the area keep group service representatives informed of world service activities.

Formulate an agenda and preside over all RSC meetings. Maintain order and focus of committee proceedings. Refer to the RSC Policy and Procedures for committee proceedings. Ensure that the RSC Calendar and Timeline is referred to for RSC procedures. Follow up on any actions agreed at RSC meetings. Maintain Unity within the committee. Be fair and impartial as the mediator of RSC business. Performs such duties as may be required to facilitate RSC proceedings. Rule on points of order. Vote on any RSC business when to do so would break a tie. Protect the committee proceedings from frivolous motions. Investigate motions of no-confidence when necessary. Appoint Interim Trusted Servants and Ad-Hoc Trusted servants as may be required by RSC. Submit a monthly report of activities and business conducted on behalf of RSC. Assist in coordinating the preparation of the annual RSC Regional Assembly reports, plans and RSC annual budgets. Prepare and submit an annual report and present a plan from the Regional Service Committee for the coming year at Regional Assembly. The NASARSC Chairperson will complete page 4 of the Narrative report: The Organisations major achievements over the past year, for submission with the annual NPO Narrative Report to the NPO Directorate. (See: Narrative Report example) Foster good relations with NA Areas. Mentor the RSC Vice Chair and delegate duties as necessary. In the absence of a RSC Vice Chair, the ARSC Chairperson will ensure that the next Area holding Regional Convention is aware of the sequence of events schedule and is able to elect its Chairperson and Treasurer timeously.
Assist the RSC Chair in all their responsibilities and perform such duties as delegated by the Chair. Support the Chair in maintaining order during RSC meetings. Perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and RD. Refer to the RSC Policy and Procedures for RSC committee proceedings. Ensure that the RSC Calendar and Timeline is referred to for RSC procedures. Assist the Chair to follow up on any actions agreed at RSC meetings. Conducts the ‘Accepting the nomination’ process at NASARSC meetings. (See: 10.3.) Be ready and willing to become Chair. Refer RSC business proceedings to RSC policy. Maintain the RSC Policy log and update the RSC policy. To keep in regular touch with the Regional Resource Persons and AD hoc Subcommittee Chairpersons, informed of their projects and challenges and facilitate cooperation between them. Assist the Regional Delegate with the preparation and presentation of NASARSC Inventory and Planning Workshop. Assist in coordinating the preparation of the annual RSC Regional Assembly reports, plans and RSC Annual Budgets. Record the attendance of members at Regional Assembly and note any apologies on the record. Submit a monthly written report to RSC. Ensure that the next Area holding Regional Convention is aware of the sequence of events schedule and is able to elect its Chairperson and Treasurer timeously.
rsc subcommittee chair